How To Make A Porn Website

A lot of companies will charge you big money to make a porn website but to be honest it doesn't cost that much it will run you about $30 bucks a month if you follow the instructions below. Once you invest in this for a few months or it may take up to a year you will start reaping the awards of having your own porn website.

1. The first thing you want to do is get a domain and a  hosting plan I perfer http://Host Use My Coupon Code SilkySeven to get 9.95 off your purchase!

2. The next thing you will want to do is go toVideo Swiper and get a video script website..I prefer Adult Flick Script But Any on the Api Plugin page will do (make sure you choose one you will like and one you think is unique to you)

3. After downloading script to your computer you can either upload script to your hosting package or have someone else do it for you. (you can find someone to do it for cheap on

4. Add advertisements to your website in the admin area  usingJuicy Ads 

5. Next purchase a package from Video Swiper  the premium offer is the best it automatically uploads videos to your site!

5. Now you can add different videos from over 20 different adult websites! Millions of videos added every month!

6. Change videos media description using mass media change tool and using spinners (read video swipers tutorials for best results) so your videos are now unique/

7. Start racking in the dough but remember it's not a get rich quick scheme! It takes time to start getting visitors

How To Download Music For Free

Hey I am not always for downloading my music for free but sometimes you hit rough patches and you need some good tunes when your broke.

1. First thing you do is go to to and search for your song usually don't get the video that the artist released because it is full of extra noises people talking etc. that usually isn't on the recording. (I usually go for the one that has the lyrics)

2. Click on the video and copy the link from the address bar.

3. Go To and paste link in there bar.

4. Pick the highest quality audio to download.

5. Open once downloaded and there ya go you got your song in mp3 or 4 format.

An Easy Way To Make Money From Youtube

I warn you that this puts people’s ethics and morals in jeopardy but some of us look at it as we got to eat and it’s public property. So opinions are like assholes everyone has got one.
What you should know before starting: This is from videoswiper’s site

The legal stand point when it comes to uploading or embedding other peoples works is not an easy one because most videos uploaded to the net become what is called public domain after upload, meaning the user has given up the rights to that video. 

This generally applies to videos that dont include the following... 

*full movies 
*music videos 
*videos that clearly state they are copywriten 

However when embedding videos from source sites like youtube you are in fact 100% safe because youtube are the ones streaming the content to you and it is up to them to remove the video if they get a complaint of copyright. 

In eight years running video websites we have never yet come a cross any counter claims of copyright on any members websites and to be very truthful the people after copyright theft are only interested in massive sites like youtube and turn a blind eye to the millions of tube clones online as they simply cannot manage this. 

You should think yourself safe and not worry as long as your not uploading full movies, or music videos or tv programmes.”

Things you will need:
1.      A hosted domain I prefer to use hostgator for this they are easy to deal with and they do a free install for you. Click here to get a hosted domain with hostgator. Please get vps hosting it works best with youtube app. (I advice you go ahead and do this first and foremost you will need a domain don’t worry you will make money back off of it.)
2.      New  Youtube channel
3.      A Videoswiper account. Get one by clicking here.(This will cost 30 a month but like I say you will make your money back easy)
Let’s Begin
1.      Go to google sign out of your real account and create a new one. This is important because you are downloading  other videos on youtube and your account could be deactivated.  So you don’t want your actual account to get deleted so that is important. When it comes to your mobile phone number I prefer to use my textplus number but use whatever you want. But after repeating this process many times google might not let you use your mobile number no more because it gets maxed out.

2.      The second thing you do is go to and create a channel. Up in the upper right corner you will see a shadow figure and down arrow button click on the button and go to my channel it will show  you how you will appear on youtube and ask you to continue. Press continue after looking over what youtube has checked.

3.      You will see a blue sign that says monetize your videos become a youtube partner today! Or something to the effect of that. Click get started. Terms of Service and Agreement will come up click on all thee above and it will show you how to monetize your videos directly after that.

4.      After that click the settings tab on the black bar it is on the same bar as the video manager. On the left you will see a number of options go to monetization and click on that. You will see a bunch of questions under monetization. Go to the one that says “ How will I get paid?”.

5.      It will give you an option to either create a new adsense account or use existing if existing use it but be careful because what I am getting ready to show you could jeopardize your adsense account being attached to any other youtube channel.  So I am not going to say start another one but make sure you know that consequences can happen. It happened to me but luckly my main account is still fine. I just can’t start any new youtube channels with that adsense account. If creating a new account just follow the directions so your channel will be attached to your google adsense account. Now that your youtube channel is attached to your adsense account. You are ready to start the fun stuff!!
(here is the hard part)
6.      Now sign up an account with . After signing up with Videoswiper you will want to subscribe to standard its 29.95 but you will make that back easy trust me on this. After you get subscribed  go to api plugins at top and download youtube uploader. There is a big youtube logo and you will see a link to download beside it. Press it and download.

7.      Now watch this video by clicking here and follow the directions. The video is really long but it is important to watch it. Here is the readable version click here.

8.      After watching this if you go back to the home button and on your right go down to tuturials and faq the first thing you will see is youtube uploader help you can also click here for the short cut.

9.      Now you are ready to begin uploading videos to your new youtube channel. You will have to pick a niche. I prefer the sexy niches they get more hits. I even did a channel on uploading videos to youtube. Ones I have used before are “short skirts” “pantyhose” “stockings” “smoking” “balloon fetish” things like that..I tell you a classic one that is hard to get a strike against you is news casters people go crazy over the babes on cnn and fox news. You can do it on anything you want but pick a niche channel to get more hits and remember what was said above  about picking videos  *full movies *music videos *videos that clearly state they are copywriten “

10.   Now you want to change meta descriptions and titles. Like the video said above make your video unique before transferring it to your channel and if you got a website add a link in your description you get more hits.

11.   After clicking the transfer button you will want to go to your youtube channel and go to video manager. It will take it a while to upload your videos (some videos are too long or can’t be copied so they won’t transfer this is normal). Once your videos are uploaded and the transfer is complete you will go to the settings tab again. Go to monetize it will tell you how many videos can be monetized click that button. You are now making money on youtube with advertisements. It might take a few days for the money to start coming in but it will.

12.   If you see copyright notices  or your not able to monetize that video get rid of it immediately . It has a copyright.

13.   If you got any questions please feel free to contact me at:  

More Info On The Best Video Grabber ON The Web: VideoSwiper

Here is some more information on Videoswiper in case you really want to know how to create a website quickly so you can have thousands per day visit your website. This is how I created the now famous Http:// ...In only one day..I can live on the income that site alone.....If you want to do the same thing I did Read Below and Sign UP For The Best Video Grabbling App Out there.

VideoSwiper will build your video websites faster than you ever thought possible.

When it comes to a video service that needs to be fast, simple to use & most of all provide a product to help you & your business, VideoSwiper is all you need.

VideoSwiper is built on an extremely powerful php platform & behind the site are some explosive video applications, on top of that we make sure our system is running on the very best dedicated servers working hard 24/7 to make sure you get a constant flow or laser targeted video content delivered on autopilot directly to your own video servers without you having to download a single video file manually.
If you know how to upload a file to your server then you are already 90% through the process of setting up videoswiper to work on your server, once you register with us you simply download the API file required for your server that matches the script your using, whether it be social media, clip bucket, php motion, vshare, adult video script or any of the other scripts we support, you then create a web account within your videoswiper members area that connects your website to our application through the API file.
This is by far the most secure and fastest way to get started as videoswiper never requires any admin usernames or passwords from you and never needs to login to your server or sql databases as the complete API system works by entering your website as a member and uploads all the videos by bulk as that member or members if you choose to create multiple web accounts for the same website.
  • We can solve the issue's faced when uploading videos one by one to your servers!
Forget manual labor forever as videoswiper will bypass the mind numbing work of manual uploading and downloading as the system does all the hard work for you, you can sit back, search content easily and super fast, then add it to your library ready for submission to your website. VideoSwiper allows for mass uploading whether your embedding or using direct server transfer either way you will recieve up to 300 FLV or MP4 HD videos to your website an hour or up to 5000 embedded videos, the days of manually adding content to any of your video websites has gone & using this method will grow your sites faster than you thought possible.
  • Simple, easy methods to encourage your members to upload videos to your sites!
Proven methods of encouraging your members to upload videos is to cheat a little & lets face it you put in enough hard work designing your site, offering your visitors the market they are looking for and your giving the web a service of viewing videos online so why not chew a little fat & get your members feeling a BUZZ about your site & before long we guarantee they will be uploading more videos that you can count on fingers & toes. OK how you ask? well the method most members of videoswiper use to reach this goal is to setup 10 or even 20 web accounts for the same website then mass transfer videos using a mix of those member accounts daily, this then looks to your visitors and real members that there is a real BUZZ around your site & they will follow by adding video themselves, this is a proven method and many of our success stories have come from sites that put this into practice.
  • Getting Google to see interest in your site is not that difficult!
Content is king & it always has been, Google will come back & crawl your website more often if when it does visit you have more new fresh content for their spiders, because there are so many new video websites lauched onto the Internet each day you have to work much harder now to stay one step ahead. Grabbing bulk amounts of video content & doing daily submissions from our application to your website will build authority for your site and you will soon see your ranking improve & more of your sites pages getting indexed.
  • Video content is our business & it's what we do best!
You will never run short of fresh new targeted video content for your websites when using our application, not only do we already hve over 800 million videos cached in our database but every new search made by members add's more content to this number so it's growing all day, everyday. We also use up to 50 of the Internet's top video search engine websites so you can grab as much content from those sites too, this allows you total freedom to create, build & grow very large video communities.
  • Use our powerful remixing tools & spinning engines for better seo!
Adding videos by bulk is one thing but making sure your not just mass ulpoading duplicate content is another, videoswiper allows you to use a set of tools within the application that can help resolve the duplicate content issues. With full titles & descriptions remixer and add/edit/replace meta plus our new spinning engine you can make all your video submissions unique before uploading them to your websites, if some videos saved don't have any keywords or tags then don't worry about that either as videoswiper will replace empty fields with tags used by other members for the same type of videos.

All new accounts get a free trial, no contracts, pay as you go...

VideoSwiper starts at just $29.95 month...

VideoSwiper-The Best Mass Video Grabber on The Web

I am usually not an affilate marketer but I have been using Video Swiper for two years now. What this software is capable of amazes me. It turned a so so webmaster like me who was not used to making profits into someone who made profits. Not only does this thing grab massive amounts of videos in limited time it also allows you to mass change media and tags too. That means search engines think your videos are unique which puts you at the top of search engines if you do this right. Its simple get pacifichost as your hosting, use softlacous app installer to install clipbucket, sign up with videoswiper here and there ya go your off to making  a proftiable video website in no time.

How To Make Your Own Video Website

I have been in the business of making my own websites for sometime now. One of the best ways to make money online is by making your own video website. Video websites are one of the best opportunities to make money online. They are growing by leaps and bounds most people would rather look at a video then read.

If you are like me you don't have several thousand videos laying around to download and by the time  you get a collection big enough to getting search engine noticed. You would have put more money into building it then you would be making . It would be a money pit.

This is where comes in! Videoswiper makes it possible to have several thousand videos with unquie tags and keywords within hours. If you don't believe me check out this website that was created with Videoswiper: and Click Here for an adult website that was created with videoswiper. Both of these sites make me plenty of money and pay for videowiper twice over. Also they are not stealing from the original uploader because they still get advertising credits from in video ads!

Here is the steps to making  your own Video Website .

1. The first step is to pick a theme to make your website. It could be a How To site, a NASCAR site, an Adult website, or a funny website but try to make it niche related that way you get more targeted viewers.

2. The second step it to sign up with VideoSwiper. After signing up, go to API plugins tab at the top of the page choose a plugin script(these are the scripts that are supported by videoswiper) and upload the script to your hosting  (My choice was clip bucket because it is free plus it is really easy to manipulate and change plus there is many different kinds of templates). If you want a free script and good hosting please go to step three.

3.  If you don't already have hosting I would go with Pacific Host. The reason I went with them is their excellent customer service. If you ever have any problems they are prompt about getting them fixed and very helpful. Pick a domain that goes along with your chosen niche or title. Go to cpanel and  go to Softaculous Apps Installer. Pick clip-bucket. It will guide you through the steps and you should have a clip-bucket site within minutes. After you get comfortable with clip-bucket you will be able to change the script to suite your needs. If you have any problems the folks at Pacific Host are more than happy to help you. Click Here For PACIFIC HOST

4. Next you will want to go to your videoswiper account and follow the instructions and add your site.

5. After you add your website to videoswiper chose from over 30 video websites including and and start collecting videos in your chosen niche or market by searching keywords and tags.

6 After you find enough videos to get started (usually I start with a thousand videos, it only takes one hour to get a thousand videos) you will want to change the titles and tags so search engines like you will find your content unique. Videoswiper has a tool that allows you to change mass change meta and titles, use that tool if you don't you videos stand a good chance of not being picked up by search engines because of having duplicate tags.

7 The last step is to hit the transfer button and thats it! Go to your domain and see for yourself  You have a website with thousand videos. Everyday make sure to add more videos to your site and submit site map two times a week and you should start seeing ad revenue in no time.


VideoSwiper-The Best Video Grabber Available!

It's Not What we Say, It's What we do That Impresses Our Clients.

VideoSwiper leads the way for mass video uploading services & applications.

The VideoSwiper video search engine is a very powerful bulk video downloader & video embedding & FLV + MP4 video direct server transfer application, easily populate your video scripts with millions of videos lightning FAST to over 28 supported video, blog & php platforms. VideoSwiper effortlessly crawls it's video search engine from many of the Internet's top video sharing sites finding laser targeted videos allowing you to sit back & watch your video websites grow at rates you will have never thought possible.

Pacific Host